Institut für nachhaltige und inklusive Entwicklung

Schulische Bildung

Acedo, Clementina (2014): Skills for Inclusive and Sustainable Development: Perspectives from the Asia Pacific Region and Beyond. Prospects 44 (2). 137-140.

Adiela, Obraori Nmabunwa Peters; Achinewhu, Chinuru (2021): Safeguarding the Future and Right to Education of Children with Disabilities in Nigeria. Bulgarian Comparative Education Society 19, 231- 237.

Ahmed, Syeda K.; Jeffries, David; Chakraborty, Anannya; Lietz, Petra; Kaushik, Amit; Rahayu, Budiarti; Armstrong, David; Sundarsagar, Kris (2021): Teacher professional development for disability inclusion in low- and middle-income Asia-Pacific countries: An evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews 17 (4).

Ajuwon, P.; Chitiyo, G.; Onuigbo, L.N.; Ahon, A.T.; Olayi, J.E. (2020): Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusion of Blind or Partially-Sighted Students in Secondary Schools in Nigeria. Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development, 31(2), pp.33–51.

Al-Ghaib, Ola Abu; Andrae, Karen; Gondwe, Rachel (2017): Still Left Behind. Pathways to Inclusive Education for Girls with Disabilities. London: Leonard Cheshire.

Biermann, Julia (2022): Translating Human Rights in Education: The Influence of Article 24 UN CRPD in Nigeria and Germany. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

Boitumelo, Mangope; Kuyini, Ahmed B.; Major, Thenjiwe E. (2020): Experiences of general secondary education teachers in inclusive classrooms: implications for sustaining inclusive education in Botswana. International Journal of Whole Schooling 16 (1), 1-34.

Castres, Pauline; Diamond, Gloria (2021): Leaving No Girl With Disabilities Behind. Ensuring efforts to advance gender equality in education are disability-inclusive. New York: UN Girls' Education Initiative (UNGEI).

Christoffel-Blindenmission (2018): My Right is Our Future. The Transformative Power of Disability-Inclusive Education. Bensheim: CBM.

Chua, Kah Heng; Bong, Way Kiat (2022): Providing inclusive education through virtual classrooms: a study of the experiences of secondary science teachers in Malaysia during the pandemic. International Journal of Inclusive Education.

Clarke, David; Sawyer, Jennifer (2014): Gender, Disability and School Education in the Asia-Pacific Region (draft). New York: United Nations Girls' Education Initiative.

Erdem, Nur (2022): Gewaltprävention und beschützende Pädagogik: Ansätze des gewaltfreien Umgangs in der pädagogischen Arbeit der Rainbow-Foundation in Sri Lanka. Alanus Hochschule.

Grills, Nathan; Das, Prottoy Kamar; Devabhaktula, Jacob; Butcher, Nicole; Anderson, Pam; Arokiaraj, Sarojitha (2019): ‘Inclusive Education’ in India Largely Exclusive of Children with a Disability. Disability and the Global South 6 (2), 1756-1771.

General Statistics Office of Vietnam (2018): Vietnam National Survey on People with Disabilities 2016. Final Report. Hanoi: GSO.

General Statistics Office of Vietnam; UNICEF (2018): Children with Disabilities in Vietnam. Findings of Vietnam's National Survey on People with Disabilities 2016. Hanoi: GSO.

Hamenoo, E.S.; Dayan, V. (2021): Inclusive Education and Disabilities: Narratives from Ghana. Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development, 32(1), pp.37–51.

Handicap International (2022): Information and Communication Technology supporting the inclusion of children with disabilities in education. Lyon: Handicap International.

Hashemi, Goli; Njelesani, Donald; Njelesani, Janet; Parnes, Penny (2015): Readiness for Education of Children with Disabilities in Eight Provinces of Viet Nam. Hanoi: UNICEF.

Human Rights Watch (2011): Futures Stolen. Barriers to Education for Children with Disabilities in Nepal. New York: Human Rights Watch.

Humanity & Inclusion (2020): Educational Assessment of Children with Disabilities during COVID-19 in Nepal. Kathmandu: Humanity & Inclusion.

Humanity & Inclusion (2020): Let's break silos now! Achieving disability-inclusive education in a post-COVID world. Lyon: Humanity & Inclusion.

Humanity & Inclusion (2021): Education, girl, disability: an equation to solve. Ensuring the right to education for girls with disabilities in the Sahel. Lyon: Humanity & Inclusion.

Humanity & Inclusion (2022): Information and Communication Technology supporting the inclusion of children with disabilities in education. Lyon: Humanity & Inclusion.

Inclusive Education Initiative (2020): Pivoting to Inclusion.Leveraging Lessons from the Covid-19 Crisis for Learners with Disabilities. Washington: World Bank.

Inclusive Education Initiative (2021): Learners with Disabilities and COVID-19 School Closures. Washington: World Bank.

International Disability Alliance (2020): What an Inclusive, Equitable, Quality Education Means to Us. Geneva: IDA.

International Disability Alliance (2021): Our Right to Education. A Compilation of Evidence gathered by OPDs on Progress towards SDG 4 and CRPD Article 24. Geneva: IDA.

Jones, Lisa; Bellis, Mark A.; Wood, Sara; Hughes, Karen; McCoy, Ellie; Eckley, Lindsay; Bates, Geoff; Mikton, Christopher; Shakespeare, Tom; Officer, Alana (2012): Prevalence and Risk of Violence Against Children with Disabilities: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. The Lancet 380 (9845), 899-907.

Kamenopoulou, Leda (2018): Inclusive Education in the Global South? A Colombian Perspective. Disability and the Global South 5 (1), 1192-1214.

Leonard Cheshire (2017): Still left behind. Pathways to inclusive education for girls with disabilities. London: Leonard Cheshire.

Leonard Cheshire (2018): Disability Data Review. A Collation and Analysis of Disability Data from 40 Countries. London: Leonard Cheshire/ UK-AID.

Leonard Cheshire (2022): School Violence and Bullying of Children with Disabilities in the Eastern and Southern African Region: A Needs Assessment. London: Leonard Cheshire.

Macha, Elly (2002): Gender, Disability and Access to Education in Tanzania. Leeds: The University of Leeds.

Mendoza, Melissa; Heymann, Jody (2022):

Implementation of Inclusive Education: A Systematic Review of Studies of Inclusive
Education Interventions in Low- and Lower-Middle-Income Countries.
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education.

Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture Namibia (2018): Assessing Inclusive Education in Practice in Namibia: Challenges and Opportunities in Leaving No Child Behind. Windhoek.

Mizunoya, Suguru; Mitra, Sophie; Yamasaki, Izumi (2016): Towards Inclusive Education. The Impact of Disability on School Attendance in Developing Countries. Florence: UNICEF.

Mont, Daniel; Nguyen, Cuong (2013): Does Parental Disability Matter to Child Education? Evidence from Vietnam. World Development 48, 88-107.

Morgan, Camille; Bowling, Michael; Bartram, Jamie; Lyn Kayser, Georgia (2017): Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Schools: Status and Implications of Low Coverage in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (6), 950-959.

Morris, Floyd (2011): Report on Access and Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities in the Jamaican Education System. Kingston: UWI Centre for Disability Studies.

Munthali, Alister C. (2011): A Situation Analysis of Persons with Disabilities in Malawi. Zomba: Centre for Social Research, University of Malawi.

Niad, Hayley; Peña, Stephanie; Dombrowski, Eileen; Hayes, Anne; Elder, Brendt (2021): Multi-Country Study on Inclusive Education. Comparative Literature Review. West Lafayette: Purdue University.

Njelesani, Janet; Si, Jessica; Swarm, Drake (2022): Unreported and Unaddressed: Students with Disabilities Experience of School Violence in Zambia. African Journal of Disability 11(0).

Orsander, Martina; Mendoza, Pamela; Burgess, Melissa; Arlini, Silvia Mila (2020): The Hidden Impact of COVID-19 on Children and Families with Disabilities. London: Save the Children.

Palmer, Michael; Groce, Nora; Mont, Daniel; Nguyen, Oanh Hong; Mitra, Sophie (2015): The Economic Lives of People with Disabilities in Vietnam. PloS One 10 (7).

Plan International; London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine & International Centre for Evidence in Disability (2014): Include us in education! A qualitative research study on barriers and enablers to education for children with disabilities in Nepal. Executive summary. UK: Plan.

Plan International; London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine & International Centre for Evidence in Disability (2013): Include us! A study of disability among Plan International’s sponsored children. Full Report. UK: Plan.

Plan International (2017): Let Me Decide and Thrive. Global Discrimination and Exclusion of Girls and Young Women with Disabilities. Geneva: Plan International.

Sightsavers (2020): Policy brief: Promoting inclusive education for girls and boys with disabilities in West and Central Africa.

Tan, Danielle (2020: To be a Girl with Disabilities from West-Africa. The Educational Situation in Question. Lyon: Humanity & Inclusion.

Taneja-Johansson, Shruti; Singal, Nidhi; Poudyal, Niraj (2021): Reflections on the Gendered Impact of COVID-19 on Education of Children with Disabilities in Nepal. UN Girls' Education Initiative.

UNESCO (2019): N FOR NOSE: State of the Education Report for India 2019. Children with Disabilities. New Delhi: UNESCO.

UNESCO (2019): New Methodology Shows that 258 Million Children, Adolescents and Youth Are Out of School. UNESCO Institute for Statistics (Fact Sheet 56). Paris: UNESCO.

UNESCO (2020): Global Education Monitoring Report: Inclusion and Education - All means All. Paris: UNESCO.

UNESCO (2021): COVID 19, Technology-Based Education and Disability: The Case of Colombia. Paris: UNESCO.

UNESCO (2021): Violence and Bullying in educational settings: the experience of children and young people with disabilites. Paris: UNESCO.

UNICEF (2016): Situation Analysis of Children with Disabilities in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Yangon: UNICEF Myanmar.

UNICEF (2022): In Pursuit of Education for All in West and Central Africa. What do the data tell us about children with disabilities?. New York: UNICEF.

UNICEF (2021): Education for Children with Disabilities in West and Central Africa. New York: UNICEF.

UNICEF (2021): Mapping of Disability-Inclusive Education Practices in South Asia. New York: UNICEF.

UNICEF (2021): Mapping Social Protection Intervention Pathways to Address Barriers to Girls’ Education. A Visual Guide. New York: UNICEF.

UNICEF (2021): Seen, Counted, Included: Using Data to Shed Light on the Well-Being of Children with Disabilities. New York: UNICEF.

UNICEF; World Health Organization (2015): Assistive Technology for Children with Disabilities: Creating Opportunities for Education, Inclusion and Participation. Geneva: World Health Organization.

United Nations Girls‘ Education Initiative (UNGEI) & Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (2016): UNGEI Good Practice Fund. Synthesis Report

UN Population Fund (2018): Young Persons with Disabilities. Global Study on Ending Gender-Based Violence and Realising Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. New York: UNFPA.

University of Cambridge (2022): Four priorities in inclusive education for the Global Disability Summit 2022.

Wilson-Scott, Shakelsha (2018): I am Able. Situational Analysis of Persons with Disabilities in Jamaica. Kingston: UNICEF.

Wodon, Quentin; Male, Chata; Montenegro, Claudio; Nayihouba, Kolobadia Ada (2018): The Challenge of Inclusive Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Washington: World Bank.

World Bank (2019): Every Learner Matters. Unpacking the Learning Crisis for Children With Disabilities. Washington: World Bank.

World Bank (2022): A Landscape Review of ICT for Disability-inclusive Education. Washington: World Bank.

World Bank; UNICEF; FCDO; USAID; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2022): The State of Global Learning Poverty.

World Health Organization; World Bank (2011): World Report on Disability. Malta: World Health Organization.

World Vision; Mercy Corps; No Lost Generation (2022): Yearning to Learn - Behavioral Barriers and Enablers to Inclusive Education in Jordan. Middlesex: World Vision.

Zero Project Team (2020): Inclusive Education. 75 Innovative Practices and 11 Innovative Policies from 54 Countries. Vienna: Essl Foundation.