Institut für nachhaltige und inklusive Entwicklung


Im Folgenden finden Sie Konzepte aus dem Bereich der inklusiven Gesundheit:

Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women (ARROW) (n.d.): Reclaiming SRHR of Women and Girls with Disabilities. A Training of Trainers (ToT) Manual on Disability Rights, Gender, and SRHR. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ARROW.

CBM (2021): Integrated Health and Rehabilitation Services in Mass Displacement: A model for inclusive healthcare from the Rohingya response in Bangladesh.

OHCHR (2020): Policy Guidelines for Inclusive SDGs. Good Health and Well Being. Geneva: United Nations.

UN DESA (n.d.): Toolkit on Disability for Africa. Inclusive Health Services.

WHO (2013): Guidance Note on Disability and Emergency Risk Management for Health. Geneva: World Health Organization.

WHO (2015): Global Disability Action Plan 2014-2021. Better Health for All People with Disabilities. Geneva: WHO.

WHO (‎2019)‎: Advocacy for Mental Health, Disability and Human Rights: WHO QualityRights Guidance Module. Geneva: WHO.

WHO (2020): Disability considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak. Geneva: WHO

WHO (2020): Disability-inclusive health services toolkit: a resource for health facilities in the Western Pacific Region. Manila, Philippines: World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific.

In einem Kreis stehen verschiedene Menschen und spielen miteinander.

In einem Kreis stehen verschiedene Menschen und spielen miteinander.