Behinderung und Entwicklungs­zusammen­arbeit e.V.

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Model Project: Promotion for Inclusive Participation

Empowering young people with impairments/disabilities to equally take part in the different programmes and forms of volunteering abroad.

The five-year project “Promotion for inclusive participation: Participation of persons with impairments/disabilities in international engagement” is funded by the Aktion Mensch Stiftung. The project aims to improve participation possibilities for persons with impairment/ disability to take part in voluntary services abroad. Interested persons not only receive consulting services but also individual support regarding the different options.

Through social media networks, our webpage and various events the target group will be reached and informed. In order to implement the project a network of existing information centers and sending organisations will be formed and trained in a way that enables them to inclusive working. On the other hand actions are taken to improve programme guidelines to become more inclusive. Barriers preventing full and equal access to participation are to be removed/reduced in the long term.

Your contact person:

Regina Fuchs

Tel: 0201/29 44 12 23

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