Institut für nachhaltige und inklusive Entwicklung

Education and information material on barrier-free mobility

Why is barrier-free mobility a relevant factor for the inclusion of people with impairments/disabilities and, in addition, a benefit for all people? How can urban traffic be made barrier-free?

Which good examples of barrier-free mobility exist in cities? How can mayors make their city more accessible?

bezev has conducted extensive research on these questions and interviewed a large number of cities that are already pursuing barrier-free mobility. This made it possible to link theory and practice of barrier-free mobility.

The result is an iNUA paper that can be used by urban authorities of the Global South and Global North to implement measures for barrier-free urban transport.

The iNUA paper "Accessible Urban Mobility" was produced by bezev and edited and published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. You can download it here:

Guidance systems for the blind are very important for barrier-free adaptation in the mobility sector.

Guidance systems for the blind are very important for barrier-free adaptation in the mobility sector.