Monika Girls High School in Bagrot, Pakistan
The state of Rhineland-Palatinate has now awarded BBS the European Prize 2015. "The students of the Heinrich Haus School show that they actively support the special needs of people with disabilities and do not want to be reduced to a role as a recipient of support," said State Secretary Heike Heike Raab at the presentation of the Price in the amount of 1,500 Euros in Mainz. The students want to donate the prize money to the Monika Girls High School
bezev congratulates the BBS on the award and thanks all that are involved for their commitment!
Students Are among the Best
As a next step towards inclusive education we would like to achieve, that the class can move into the rooms of a nearby regular school.
In June 2014, Monika Schneid visited the project and reported about these successes and challenges.
„Initial successes can be observed in our little pilot/ experimental project from the past year, which is the education of hearing-impaired children. Two of the three students have taken their year end exam of the second grade at public Girls´ School in spring. The three have received the highest scores and have thus performed even better than the other students! The teacher Nabila, who is deaf herself, is incredibly proud of this result, just like the three students. We hope that this result can be replicated elsewhere. Together with some teachers we therefore try to achieve that the small class can move to the new rooms in the nearby school after the summer holidays. Until now the classes take place just outside the school paths in a private room in the Farfui village. Some months ago, teacher Nabila has provided their students with school uniforms. It is very important to her and her students, that the small class is perceived as a school.
Our work to educate disadvantaged children in three more villages has not been successful yet. It has been difficult to find suitable teachers for the long run, which is a very big challenge in such a small valley like Bagrot. Even the support of the community and the parents has been rather small. Hence, the positive example of the Farfui village can lead to a change in perception here.
Our contact persons in Bagrot make a great effort for more publicity for the needs and affairs of disadvantaged children. With respect to the small group of hearing-impaired people, this has been already achieved.”
Monika Schneid, June 2014