Behinderung und Entwicklungs­zusammen­arbeit e.V.

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Rwera Mixed Primary School in Ntungamo, Uganda

The "Rwera Mixed Primary School" in Uganda also aims to improve the living conditions of deaf children and children with physical and mental disabilities through education. In general, the educational opportunities for these children in Uganda are very low.

The Rwera Mixed Primary School is a boarding school located in one of the poorest areas of Uganda. Currently, about 80 children are studying at the school, some of whom come from difficult social backgrounds. The aim of the school is to develop the children's skills and prepare them for the future.

bezev has been supporting the Rwera Mixed Primary School since 2018, primarily as part of the "weltwärts" voluntary service programme.

weltwärts volunteer with pupils of the project

weltwärts volunteer with pupils of the project

All pupils of the Rwera School

All pupils of the Rwera School