Behinderung und Entwicklungs­zusammen­arbeit e.V.

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Information for Partner Organisations

You want to send or receive volunteers with impairment/disability? Our offers cover the south-north and the north-south-component.

We want to ensure that everyone can take part in the weltwärts programme. Therefore we work together with weltwärts partner organisations since 2012.

We offer consultations, trainings, publications, events and networking options for all organizations interested in inclusive voluntary commitment abroad.

Our offers specifically for partner organisations


  • We advise you on questions of organisation, implementation, financing, barrier-free access and pedagogical support of an inclusive south-north or north-south voluntary service

Please get in contact with us, when you want to get consultation.

Partner Conferences

  • We take actively part in partner conferences as contact person for inclusion
  • We evaluate your needs and experiences to make the South-North component more inclusive


  • "Just do it now": Our DVD in English, Spanish, French and German gives tips and advice about all steps of inclusive voluntary commitment abroad
  • "Let's Play": Includes methods, games and energizers for volunteering. A handbook with ten familiarisation games, 24 energizers and other ideas for implementing seminars for inclusive groups.
  • "Incredibly Inclusive": Handbook for inclusive guidance of participants in international volunteer services

Your contact person: 

Melanie Kroll

0201-29 44 12 28

Just do it now!

Just do it now!

Out now: Handbooks for Inclusive Volunteer Services (EN, ES, FR)

Order now our new handbooks for organisations of volunteer services: „Let’s play“ and „Incredibly Inclusive“ in English, Spanish and French.

Documentation Evaluation Workshop: „Inclusion in the South-North Programme“

Topic of the Evaluation Workshop: „Inclusion in the South-North Programme“

Read here the short documentation of the workshop and get new insights in Inclusion in the South-North programme.

Partner Conferences

Participants of the Partner Conferen in Nagpur/India

The Center of Excellence regularly represents the topic of inclusion in the weltwärts program at partner conferences. Here you can find reports and documentation of past participations.

Film clip about inclusive voluntary service in Ghana

Francis, Director of Voice Ghana and Steffi, (former) volunteer in Ghana

Watch a short film clip about Steffi's voluntary service in Ghana. The film contains English subtitles.