Agenda 2030 Inclusive - Conference on the SDGs
Together with the international and national speakers and around 80 other participants, the relevance of the inclusion of persons with disabilities and the implementation processes of the new sustainable development agenda were discussed in four World Cafés on the topics of people, prosperity, peace and planet after the presentations and panel discussions. Here you can find the presentations and results of the symposium.
Conference Document - 216 kB

A conference on the 2030 Agenda was held in Berlin on 1st December 2015.
Presentations by the Speakers
SDG: Neue Ziele – Bessere Welt? Die UN-Agenda für nachhaltige Entwicklung bis 2030 Marie-Luise Abshagen, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, Berlin
Wie werden die SDGs in Deutschland umgesetzt? (pdf, 252,9 kb)
Dr. Sonja Grigat, VENRO, Berlin
World Café: What Do the SDGs Contain and What Role Does the Topic of Disability Play?
Topic 'People':
Topic 'Prosperity':
Input from Stefan Lorenzkowski, Handicap International, Berlin (pdf, 92,3 kb)
Topic 'Planet':
Input from Alois Vedder, WWF Germany, Berlin (pdf, 92,6 kb)
Topic 'Peace'
Input from Ulrike Last, Handicap International, Switzerland (pdf, 84,2 kb)
The conference was funded by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL on behalf of BMZ.
bezev is funded by the Church Development Service "Brot für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst".