Disasters Are Always Inclusive!
People with disabilities are also among the most vulnerable groups in the humanitarian sector and are affected more than others by disaster situations. Due to their lack of inclusion in evacuation plans and lack of access to emergency relief and shelter, people with disabilities are severely limited in their ability to cope with emergencies. At the same time, the extreme conditions of the disaster can exacerbate existing disabilities or create new ones.
Although insufficiently implemented so far, people with disabilities are mentioned in important humanitarian aid documents. Their full participation is given a binding basis under international law by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted in December 2006. There, Article 11 calls for all necessary measures to ensure the protection and safety of persons with disabilities in humanitarian emergencies.
How this can be concretely implemented in humanitarian practice was presented and discussed at the conference. What are the consequences of disasters for persons with disabilities and how can they be adequately and comprehensively taken into account in all phases of humanitarian aid? How can disaster preparedness and assistance in acute emergencies be designed inclusively and how should rehabilitation and reconstruction measures be implemented so that they are holistic and accessible?
Focus 1: Situation Analysis
Traumatisierungen nach Katastrophen (pdf, 53,46 kb)
Inge Missmahl, Caritas International, Freiburg
Focus 2: Disaster Risk Reduction
Focus 3: Acute Emergency Situation
General Standards in Humanitarian Aid: An Overview (pdf, 121,57 kb)
Peter Runge, VENRO, Bonn
Focus 4: Accessible and Livelihood-securing Reconstruction
How DESWOS is Working... Principles and Projects (auf Anfrage)
Werner Wilkens, DESWOS, Cologne
The conference addressed the role of people with disabilities in humanitarian emergencies and made it clear that: Disasters Are Always Inclusive!
Bonn Declaration
The Bonn Declaration was published as a result of the International Conference 'Disasters Affect Everyone! People With Disabilities in Humanitarian Emergencies", which took place in Bonn on 7th to 8th November 2007.
The conference was jointly organised by Disability and Development Cooperation (bezev), Kindernothilfe, Christoffel-Blindenmission, Caritas International, Handicap International and Der Paritätische Gesamtverband.
The conference report 'Disasters Affect Everyone. People With Disabilities in Humanitarian Emergencies" can be found here.
Further information and documents on 'Humanitarian Aid for All':
- Disability Checklist for Emergency Response (pdf, 1,89 mb)
- World Disasters Report 2007. Focus on Discrimination (pdf, 3,87 mb)
- IASC Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychological Support in Emergency Settings
- Africa: New Improved Disaster Response Tool
- Selected Reports and Research on Needs of People with Disabilities in Disasters: International Review
- ALNAP (Stengthening Humanitarian Action Through Evaluation and Learning)
- The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response (pdf, 5,98 mb)
- Disability in Conflict and Emergency Situations: Focus on Tsunami-Affected Areas (pdf, 566,69 kb)
- Water and Sanitation for Disabled People: Report of Dissemination Activities in Uganda. October - November 2005 (pdf, 61,4 kb)