Institut für nachhaltige und inklusive Entwicklung

Continuing Education and Training

With information and educational offers, bezev advises how people with disabilities are considerated in development policy projects and programmes.

With the entry into force of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in March 2009, they have a right to equal and inclusive consideration in all development and humanitarian projects and programmes. To ensure that the human right to development can also be implemented for people with disabilities, bezev offers further education and training opportunities.

Inclusion means leaving no one behind. How does that work? bezev advises organisations and institutions on this.

Inclusion means leaving no one behind. How does that work? bezev advises organisations and institutions on this.

Education and Information Material on Barrier-free Mobility

Guidance systems for the blind are very important for barrier-free adaptation in the mobility sector.

Why is barrier-free mobility a relevant factor for the inclusion of people with impairments/disabilities and, in addition, a benefit for all people? How can urban traffic be made barrier-free?