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Call for Papers - Indigenous People with Disabilities

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2023-3 Call for Papers

Theme: Indigenous People with Disabilities

Indigenous people with disabilities experience discrimination on many levels, whether due to their ethnic origin, their disability, their gender or other factors. Because of stigmatisation and marginalisation they are severely restricted in the way they can exercise their human rights. While there is little reliable data, in 2013 the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) estimated that the number of indigenous people with disabilities was by then around 54 million. But still there is little disaggregated and up-to-date data on the prevalence of indigenous people with disabilities and research on the situation of indigenous people with disabilities. Some reports and studies indicate that the disability rate in indigenous communities is disproportionately higher than in the general population. This is also due to greater poverty, malnutrition, violence and unsafe living conditions, including exposure to environmental degradation, toxic waste and the negative impacts of large-scale projects. Yet despite the high prevalence of disabilities among indigenous peoples and the discriminatory context, little or no attention is paid to their needs and challenges.  

Two international commitments highlight the rights of indigenous persons with disabilities. In 2007, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) was adopted. The Declaration explicitly calls for special attention to be paid to the needs of indigenous people with disabilities. One year earlier, the preamble to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities also called for special protection against aggravated forms of discrimination experienced by indigenous persons with disabilities. Meanwhile, ILO Convention No. 169, the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, should also be mentioned. The Convention was adopted by the International Labour Conference of the ILO in 1989 and deals with the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples. It is based on respect for the cultures and ways of life of indigenous peoples and recognises their right to define their own priorities for development. While it provides a comprehensive legal framework for the protection of indigenous peoples' rights, it also has some differences and similarities with the UN CRPD. ILO Convention No. 169 has an approach that is strongly based on collective rights and the concept of self-determination of indigenous peoples. The UN CRPD, however, is all about promoting the individual autonomy of people with disabilities. How a combination of these two approaches can be achieved provides material for interesting discussions and conclusions.  

However, progress in recognising the rights of indigenous peoples in international law has not yet translated into concrete improvements in their living conditions and well-being. From birth, indigenous peoples around the world often lack access to the services and support they need to participate fully in their communities. The barriers they face - from healthcare to education, employment and political participation - lead to socio-economic and cultural marginalisation and isolation, as well as severe poverty.  

Indigenous people with disabilities also receive little attention in academic research and development policies. However, these sectors are needed to address the structural and social barriers faced by indigenous people with disabilities and to initiate greater efforts for the inclusion of indigenous people with disabilities as well as measures to improve their social, political and economic conditions.


Against this background, issue 2024-1 of the Journal “Disability and International Development” is intended to review the situation of indigenous persons with disabilities and the specific violations of human rights they face. The issue takes a closer look at challenges, good practices, and lessons learned regarding the inclusion of indigenous persons with disabilities. We invite researchers and experts with a practical background to contribute to any of the following topics:

  • scientific studies on the situation and multifaceted discrimination of indigenous persons with disabilities,
  • models, programmes, concepts, and practices that promote inclusion of indigenous persons with disabilities,
  • analysis of the potential conflicts and tensions between the simultaneous consideration of the UN CRPD on the one hand and ILO 169 on the other, as well as analysing the UN CRPD from an indigenous perspective and/or analysing ILO 169 from a disability perspective,
  • opportunities, gaps, needs and ways forward for the inclusion of indigenous persons with disabilities in the Global South in future,
  • data, reports, and concepts on the situation of indigenous people with disabilities as well as possible disadvantaging factors, based on e.g., gender or location.

Before you send us your suggestion, please read the “Information for Authors” first and then contact the coordinating editor via e-mail then: Judith Langensiepen (

Deadline for submission of papers: January 15, 2024