Behinderung und Entwicklungs­zusammen­arbeit e.V.

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Current Issue 2023/3

Key Topic: Digital Inclusion

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Katalog Nr.: 2476

Zeitschrift "Behinderung und internationale Entwicklung / Disability and International Development" 2023/3

Thema / Theme: Digitale Inklusion / Digital Inclusion

Digital Divide Chronicles: Bridging the Gap in Digital Access and Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities
Vibhu Sharma

Disability Inclusion and Digital Transformations
Paul Horsters

Opportunities, Needs and Ways Forward for the Digital Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the Global South
Jalasa Sapkota/Nir Shrestha

Deaf Community Perception on Social Media Applications and Platforms
Nyarko Stanley Marco/Dzeani Okai Phinehas

Digitalising Instruction during Global Emergencies: Deaf Education in Focus
Godwin Irokaba

Berichte | Reports
Afghanistan im Fokus



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Call for Papers - Indigenous People with Disabilities

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