Behinderung und Entwicklungs­zusammen­arbeit e.V.

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Current Issue 2024/2

Key Topic: Living and Inclusion

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Katalog Nr.: 2479

Zeitschrift "Behinderung und internationale Entwicklung / Disability and International Development" 2024/2

Thema / Theme: Wohnen und Inklusion / Living and Inclusion

(Re)Framing Independent Living in the Global South: A Critical Reflection on General Comment No. 5 on Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Matthew S. Smith/Shaun Grech/ Joerg Weber/Michael Ashley Stein

Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the Community in Nepal: Opportunities, Gaps, and the Way Forward for the Independent Living
Jalasa Sapkota/Nir Shrestha

Designing Disability-Inclusive Urban Space and Built Environments in Times of Climate Change. The Case of the Arab States.
Chavia Ali

Kurzmeldungen / Announcements




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