Institut für inklusive Entwicklung

Inclusive Education

The sub-theme "Inclusive Education" provides information on international commitments, concepts and literature.

Within the framework of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the international community has committed itself with the fourth goal (SDG 4) to promote inclusive, equal and quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. Alongside the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD), the Agenda is another important milestone for the realisation of the rights of persons with disabilities worldwide. Nevertheless, many children and young people with disabilities are denied the realisation of their right to education. Yet education is a prerequisite for peaceful and social coexistence.

The demand for inclusive education as an integral part of the 2030 Agenda refers to all areas of education. This includes early childhood, school, vocational/university education and lifelong learning. Another area of education is the education approach Education for Sustainable Development/Global Development (ESD). All these educational areas are also taken into account in the sub-theme "Inclusive Education".

A person rides in his wheelchair, whose wheels look like a globe, and wears a graduate hat.

A person rides in his wheelchair, whose wheels look like a globe, and wears a graduate hat.

International Commitments

The puzzle forms the word

Below are international commitments in the field of inclusive education:


Different people stand in a circle and play with each other.

Below you will find concepts from the field of inclusive education. The concepts are sorted according to the five educational areas:


Books, computers and brochures - all these can provide information.

Below you will find specialist literature from the field of inclusive education. The literature is sorted according to the five educational areas: