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Global Disability Summit
The Global Disability Summit (GDS) is a meeting that promotes and supports inclusive and disability-friendly development in the world through the formulation and dissemination of agreements and declarations. Through the Summit, attention is given to this issue and commitment is pooled to enable full inclusion.
At the GDS, international agreements are reached on how to further promote the implementation of the 2030 Agenda with its vision "Leave No One Behind" and the already existing UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. As part of this summit, side events are organised by (civil society) organisations and foundations to strengthen knowledge and awareness of the inclusion of persons with disabilities.
The first GDS took place in London in 2018 and was hosted by the United Kingdom, the Government of Kenya and the International Disability Alliance (IDA). In 2022, the second GDS was held in Norway. This time, the governments of Norway and Ghana and the IDA hosted the summit. In 2025, Germany will host the third GDS together with Jordan.
Side events of the GDS 2022:
- Every Learner Matters- Sharing Experiences from the World Bank's programs on Disability-Inclusive Education
- Strengthening Inclusive Education Systems: Sector-Wide Approaches in Ghana and Ethiopia
- Investing in Inclusive Education to Lessen Social Inequalities
- Inclusive Education: Making It Happen
- Strengthening Inclusive Education Systems through Partnerships, Planning and Capacity Building
- Exploring Recent Education Data for Children with Disabilities and Next Steps for Strengthening Data for Education Policy and Planning
- Building an Education for All: Learnings from Disability-Inclusive Experiences
- ICT - Towards the Inclusion of all Learners!
- The Perspective of Youth with Diverse Abilities in Education
- Status of the Impact of Covid-19 on Inclusive Education: South-East Asian Perspective
- Inclusive Education Case Studies and the INEE Minimum Standards
- ICT LANDSCAPE REVIEW: The use of ICT in improving the educational participation and outcomes of children with disabilities.