Behinderung und Entwicklungs­zusammen­arbeit e.V.

bezev engagiert sich für eine nachhaltige und gerechte Welt. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt ist die Verbesserung der Entwicklungs- und Teilhabechancen von Menschen mit Behinderungen im Globalen Süden.

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Out now: Handbooks for Inclusive Volunteer Services (EN, ES, FR)

Order now our new handbooks for organisations of volunteer services: „Let’s play“ and „Incredibly Inclusive“ in English, Spanish and French.

Let’s play

Methods, Games and Energizers for Inclusive Groups by the Example of the Volunteer Service Weltwärts.
A handbook with ten ice-breaker-games, 24 energizers, and other ideas for seminars for inclusive groups.

More information and order link to Let’s Play: Let's Play- English

Simplement jouer - Français: Simplement jouer - Français   

Vamos a jugar - español: Vamos a jugar - español

Incredibly Inclusive! - Inclusive Guidance of Participants in (International) Volunteer Services

This handbook is a treasure trove of ideas and good practice on how to make education and mentoring for volunteers more inclusive and accessible.

More information and order link Incredibly Inclusive: Incredibly Inclusive - English

Incroyablement inclusif - Français: Incroyablement inclusif - Français

Increíblemente inclusivo - español:Increíblemente inclusivo - español

Price for each handbook: 10 € (accessible pdf) in Germany and Europe
For partner organisations in countries of the global south
we offer the handbooks as accessible pdf-document for free.

If you are a partner organisation please write an e-mail to and place your order.

Cover of the handbook Incredibly Inclusive

Cover of the handbook Incredibly Inclusive