Managing Director
Dr. Gabriele Weigt
Email: weigt(at)
Tel: 0201 – 294412-22
Managing Director

Dr. Gabriele Weigt
Judith Langensiepen
Email: langensiepen(at)
Tel.: 0201 – 29 44 12-24
Mob.: +49 - 163 - 3689588
Managing Director
Project Coordinator for Inclusive Education for Sustainable Development & Projects Abroad
Coordinating Editor for the journal "Disability and International Development"
Contact person for:
- Project: Climate Change and Persons with Disabilities
- bezev projects abroad
- Seminars and Trainings on Inclusion in International Development
- Journal "Disability and International Development"
Office hours for consultation:
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5pm

Judith Langensiepen
Education for Sustainable Development
Sarah Breuer
Email: breuer(at)
Tel.: 0201 - 29 44 12 - 25
Mob.: +49 - 177 - 6125042
Project Coordinator
Inclusive Education for Sustainable Development
Contact person for:
- Schools /Extracurricular Education
- Inquiry (seminars and training)
- Networking
Office hours for consultation:
Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 15:00

Sarah Breuer
Inclusive Volunteering
Lea Rodenburg
Email: rodenburg(at)
Tel: 0201 – 29 44 12- 27
Project Manager Inclusive Volunteering

Members of the Board
Prof. Dr. Sabine Schäper
Mahasen Al Asiri
Meinhard Wirth
Kathrin Schmidt
Prof. Dr. Michael Boecker