Behinderung und Entwicklungs­zusammen­arbeit e.V.

bezev is working for a sustainable and just world. The work focuses in particular on improving the development and participation opportunities of persons with disabilities in the Global South.

Current Issue 2024/2

Key Topic: Living and Inclusion

International Conference "Climate Change and People with Disabilities: Problems, Challenges, Perspectives"

Two people with walking aids grope in a puddle.

On 13 March 2024, the international conference "Climate change and people with disabilities: problems, challenges and perspectives" will take place in Berlin & online.

Call for Papers - Mobility

Find the recent Call for Papers and other relevant information, when you are interested to contribute to the journal through publishing an article.

Documentation Evaluation Workshop: „Inclusion in the South-North Programme“

Topic of the Evaluation Workshop: „Inclusion in the South-North Programme“

Read here the short documentation of the workshop and get new insights in Inclusion in the South-North programme.

Inclusive Education and Vocational Training in Uvira, DR Congo

Meeting and exchange of key stakeholders on the inclusive concerns of the project

For children and young people with and without disabilities: A project in Uvira for school and vocational inclusion by bezev and ADED.

Education for Sustainable Development

bezev has been active in development education since 1995 and in global learning since 2005.

weltwärts all inclusive!

weltwärts all inclusive!

bezev wishes, that all people can take part in voluntary services abroad!

Information for Partner Organisations

Just do it now!

You want to send or receive volunteers with impairment/disability? Our offers cover the south-north and the north-south-component.

Model Project: Promotion for Inclusive Participation

Logo Aktion Mensch Stiftung

Empowering young people with impairments/disabilities to equally take part in the different programmes and forms of volunteering abroad.