La Pirinola in Mexico City
La Pirinola - Actividades culturales, educativas y de desarollo para educación especial is an organisation in which people with and without disabilities work together. Public relations and cultural work on the topic of disability are the core of the work. This is done by a radio station run by people with and without disabilities, as well as by the Centro Formativo, the training centre for young people and adults with intellectual disabilities. Artistic and handicraft courses as well as vocational and practical life preparation take place regularly at the Centro, with an average of about 20 participants actively involved. In the radio station, a team develops and broadcasts a radio programme on various topics related to disability. The programme is broadcast and heard beyond Mexico City.
Learn more about the project on their Facebook page: La Pirinola
bezev has been supporting La Pirinola since 2012, primarily as part of the "weltwärts" voluntary service programme.
La Pirinola is financed by donations and contributions from parents. Donations finance the staff as well as the materials for the creative activities. Even a small contribution can help!

An art project