Reports by volunteers
Our campaign-video shows Till and Julian, Tina and Isa, Lena and Marlene, who did a voluntary service abroad. It was a special experience for them. You can volunteer too!
For a voluntary service abroad it is not important what you can’t do, but what you can do. / For a voluntary service abroad it doesn’t matter what you can’t to, we care about what you can do!
RainerSturm /
Reports from Ghana
Garden Special School in Kumasi, Ghana
Tina has already worked as a speech therapist in Germany. At 26 she decided to go to Ghana with weltwärts. Here you can find a video of her work abroad:
Voice Ghana
Weltwärts volunteer Lena describes the tasks she has to do in Ghana in her work with Voice Ghana. She works mainly on the topic of inclusion in schools. Here you can find a video of her work abroad:
Marlene in Ghana
Marlene was also in Ghana. For eight months she did voluntary service in a school for deaf children. In this video she tells about her experiences in sign language:
Abschlussbericht Salvation Army School
15 kB
Eine Freiwillige berichtet von ihren Erfahrungen an der Salvation Army School in Swedru
Abschlussbericht Voice Ghana
137 kB
Ein Bericht über einen Freiwilligendienst bei der Selbsthilfeorgnisation Voice Ghana
Reports from Tanzania
Abschlussbericht LVDC
284 kB
Ein Bericht über den Einsatz am Lake Victoria Disability Centre (LVDC) in Musoma.
Reports from Uganda
Reports from Mexiko
Abschlussbericht La Pirinola
126 kB
Eine Freiwillige berichtet über ihre Zeit in der Einsatzstelle "La Pirinola" in Mexiko-Stadt.
Reports from Ecuador
Halbzeit-Bericht Fundación El Arenal
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Ein Bericht von einer Freiwilligen nach der Hälfte ihrer Dienstzeit in der Fundación El Arenal in der Stadt Cuena.
Reports from India
Abschlussbericht Arche
533 kB
Lioba berichtet über ihre Arbeit und ihr Leben in einer Lebensgemeinschaft der Arche in Indien.
Reports from Kamerun
Einfach machen – Interview from bezev on Vimeo.
Abschlussbericht Buea School for the Deaf
89 kB
Till reflektiert seinen Freiwilligendienst an der Buea School for the Deaf in Kamerun.