Institut für nachhaltige und inklusive Entwicklung

Early Childhood Education

Al-Ghaib, Ola Abu; Andrae, Karen; Gondwe, Rachel (2017): Still Left Behind. Pathways to Inclusive Education for Girls with Disabilities. London: Leonard Cheshire.

Dawadi, Divya; Bissaker, Kerry (2020): Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Development Programs in Nepal. Construction of a Stakeholder Informed Framework. Asian Journal of Inclusive Education 8 (1), S. 79–105.

Greenwood, Margo; Gercama, Ingrid; Lynch, Paul; Moore, Katie; Mankhwazi, Mika; Mbukwa, Jenipher; Bedford, Juliet (2020): ‘Let’s Grow Together’: Understanding the Current Provision of Early Childhood Development and Education for Children with Disabilities in Rural Malawi through Community-based Participatory Research. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, S. 1-16.

Karisa, Amani; Samuels, Chantal; Watermeyer, Brian; McKenzie, Judith; Vergunst, Richard (2022): Priorities for access to early childhood development services for children with disabilities in South Africa. South African Journal of Childhood Education 12(1), 1-7.  

Krappmann, Lothar (2012): Eine kinderrechtliche Perspektive auf die frühkindliche Bildung. Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

Markowetz, Reinhard; Wölfl, Janina; Jahn, Klaus (2015): Frühkindliche Bildung. Basis für menschliche Entwicklung und soziale Gerechtigkeit in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Duisburg: Kindernothilfe.

Munthali, Alister; Tsoka, Maxton; Milner, James; Mvula, Peter (2016): From Exclusion to Inclusion. Promoting the Rights of Children with Disabilities in Malawi. Zomba: Centre for Social Research.

Murphy, Rachel; Jolley, Emma; Lynch, Paul; Mankhwazi, Mika; Mbukwa, Jenipher; Bechange, Stevens; Gladstone, Melissa J.; Schmidt, Elena (2020): Estimated Prevalence of Disability and Developmental Delay Among Preschool Children in Rural Malawi: Findings from "Tikule Limodzi," a Cross-Sectional Survey. Child: Care, Health and Development 46 (2), S. 187-194.

OECD (2016): Early Childhood Education and Care in Colombia. Paris: OECD.

Schönefeld, Dorothea; Müller-Goldenstedt, Judy; Ruf, Anja (2014): Bildung ändert alles - von Anfang an. Das Potential der frühkindlichen Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Welt-Sichten Dossier 9 (2014).

Soni, Anita; Lynch, Paul; McLinden, Mike; Mbukwa-Ngwira, Jenipher; Mankhwazi, Mika; Jolley, Emma;Virendrakumar, Bhavisha; Bedford, Juliet; Gercama, Ingrid (2020): Facilitating the Participation of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Development Centres in Malawi: Developing a Sustainable Staff Training Programme. Sustainability 12 (5), 1-15.

UNESCO (2016): State of the Art and Policy Guidelines on the Training and Professional Development of Early Childhood Teachers in Latin America and the Caribbean. Paris: UNESCO.

UNESCO (2018): Global Education Monitoring Report: Gender Review 2018. Meeting our Commitments to Gender Equality in Education. Paris: UNESCO.

UNESCO (2019): New Methodology Shows that 258 Million Children, Adolescents and Youth Are Out of School. UNESCO Institute for Statistics (Fact Sheet 56). Paris: UNESCO.

UNESCO (2019): The Right to Education for Persons with Disabilities. Overview of the Measures Supporting the Right to Education for Persons with Disabilities. Paris: UNESCO.

UNESCO; Right to Education Initiative (2019): The Right to Education Handbook. Paris: UNESCO.

UNESCO (2020): Global Education Monitoring Report: Inclusion and Education - All means All. Paris: UNESCO.

UNESCO (2021): Right from the Start. Build Inclusive Societies Through Inclusive Early Childhood Education. Paris: UNESCO.

UNICEF (2019: A World Ready to Learn: Prioritizing quality early childhood education. New York: UNICEF.

UNICEF (2020): A Situation Analysis of Children with Disabilities in Malawi. New York: UNICEF.

UNICEF (2020): Thrive Nurturing Care for Early Childhood Development. Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development. New York: UNICEF.

UNICEF (2021): Seen, Counted, Included: Using Data to Shed Light on the Well-Being of Children with Disabilities. New York: UNICEF.

Vargas-Barón, Emily; Small, Jason; Wertlieb, Donald; Hix-Small, Hollie; Gómez Botero, Rocío; Diehl, Kristel; Vergara, Paola; Lynch, Paul (2019): Global Survey of Inclusive Early Childhood Development and Early Childhood Intervention Programs. Washington, DC: RISE Institute.

World Bank (2019): Every Learner Matters. Unpacking the Learning Crisis for Children With Disabilities. Washington: World Bank.

World Bank (2020): Educator Knowledge of Early Childhood Development. Evidence from Eastern Nepal. Washington: World Bank.

World Bank; UNICEF (2020): Costing Study on Early Childhood Education and Development in Nepal. A Case for Investment in ECED. Washington: World Bank.

Zero Project Team (2020): Inclusive Education. 75 Innovative Practices and 11 Innovative Policies from 54 Countries. Vienna: Essl Foundation.